Male Cheritra freja has purplish brown upper wings and females are dark brown. The hind wings have white striped tornal spots in spaces 1b and 2. The underside is white with orange-brown shadows on the forewings and the apical area of the hind wings. The hind wings are toothed, have a white tail up to 25 mm long at the end of the 2nd vein, a shorter tail at the end of vein 1b.
Larva: larvae of Cheritra freja are green or pinkish white with yellowish brown to dark brown lateral patches on the 3rd to 5th abdominal segment. It has long pointed horns on its back.
Pupa: Cheritra freja pupae are yellowish green with pale yellowish brown on 6 segments of the abdomen. The wing box and dorsum of the thorax are grayish brown to greenish brown.