Genicanthus lamarck adults are white or light grey with 4-5 black, wavy stripes around the eyes. A wide black band on the dorsal fin and spotted caudal fin complete the markings. Males have a yellow head, black pelvic fins and long black lobes on their caudal fin. Females have black caudal fin lobes and white pectoral fins. The dorsal fin has 15 spines and 15-16 rays while the anal fin has 3 spines and 16-17 rays.
Size: 25 cm
Habitat: Genicanthus lamarck lives in the coral-rich areas of tropical Pacific at depths of 10-50 meters. It feeds on zooplankton and is often seen in small harems with a dominant male and 2-6 females. The species is a sequential hermaphrodite and if the male disappears, the dominant female changes sex.
Distribution: Hawaiian Islands to the Tuamoto Archipelago, including the Marquesas, Society, and Australs Islands.