Long-jawed Orbweavers

Tetragnatha hasselti

Tetragnatha hasselti is a species within the genus Tetragnatha, which is part of the family Tetragnathidae, commonly known as long-jawed orb weavers. These spiders are known for their elongated bodies and jaws, as well as their habit of stretching out along plant stems or blades of grass, making them difficult to see. They build orb-shaped webs, typically near water bodies or in moist environments. Tetragnatha hasselti, like other members of its genus, likely has a slender body and long chelicerae (jaws), which are particularly adapted for their diet of insects. They often assume a “stick-like” posture when at rest, blending in with their surroundings.






















Tetragnatha hasselti

Other Information


As with most spiders, Tetragnatha hasselti is venomous, using its venom to immobilize prey caught in its web. However, the venom is generally not harmful to humans, causing mild symptoms such as localized pain or swelling at most, in the rare instances when bites occur.

A Danger to Humans?

Tetragnatha hasselti poses minimal danger to humans. These spiders are not aggressive towards humans and tend to flee rather than bite. Bites from long-jawed orb weavers are rare and not considered medically significant.

Population Status

Specific data on the population size of Tetragnatha hasselti is not widely documented. However, the species is likely to be found in suitable habitats where conditions allow for web construction and access to prey.

Long-jawed Orbweavers (Tetragnatha hasselti), Photo by David Lowenthal

Life Span:
The life span of Tetragnatha species can vary but generally spans about 1 year, allowing for a cycle of mating, egg-laying, and the emergence of new spiders within a single season.

Weight and Length:
Long-jawed orb weavers are relatively slender and may not weigh much. Their body length can vary, with Tetragnatha species generally measuring several centimeters from head to the end of the abdomen. The legs are often significantly longer, contributing to their stretched-out appearance.

The specific distribution of Tetragnatha hasselti may not be widely known, but Tetragnatha species are found worldwide, particularly in regions with abundant water sources and high humidity, which are ideal for their web-building activities.

Habits and Lifestyle:
Tetragnatha hasselti, like other long-jawed orb weavers, builds orb webs, often horizontally oriented, to catch flying insects. They are primarily nocturnal, doing most of their hunting and web maintenance at night.

Diet and Nutrition:
Their diet consists mainly of flying insects that become ensnared in their webs. The web’s placement near water bodies can also attract aquatic insects, providing a rich source of nutrition.

Mating Habits:
Mating behavior in Tetragnatha involves careful approach tactics by the male to avoid being attacked by the female. Males may perform courtship displays to pacify the female before mating. After mating, the female lays eggs in a silk sac, often hidden in vegetation or near the web.