Menemerus bivittatus, commonly known as the Gray Wall Jumper or Two-striped Jumper, is a species of jumping spider in the family Salticidae. Known for their agility and excellent vision, jumping spiders are adept hunters, capable of leaping distances multiple times their body length to catch prey or evade predators. Menemerus bivittatus, in particular, is often found in close association with human habitations, utilizing walls and vertical surfaces as its primary habitat. Menemerus bivittatus is a relatively small spider, recognizable by its slender body and distinctive coloration, often gray with two darker longitudinal stripes running down the abdomen, which gives it the common name “Gray Wall Jumping Spider.”
Gray Wall Jumping Spider
Menemerus bivittatus
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Menemerus bivittatus
Other Information
Like all jumping spiders, Menemerus bivittatus is venomous, using its venom to immobilize prey. However, the venom is not harmful to humans beyond possible minor symptoms like localized pain or swelling at the bite site.
A Danger to Humans?
There is minimal danger to humans from Menemerus bivittatus. These spiders are not aggressive towards humans and tend to bite only if directly provoked or handled. Bites are rare and not medically significant.
Population Status
Specific data on the population size of Menemerus bivittatus is not widely available, but the species is known to be common and widespread, especially in urban and suburban areas where it can find ample vertical surfaces and prey.

Gray Wall Jumping Spider (Menemerus bivittatus), Photo by David Lowenthal
Life Span:
The lifespan of Menemerus bivittatus can vary but is generally about a year, which is typical for many jumping spider species. This lifespan includes the stages from egg, through several molts, to mature adult.
Weight and Length:
Jumping spiders, including Menemerus bivittatus, are small, with body lengths typically ranging from 5 to 8 mm for males and slightly larger for females.
Menemerus bivittatus has a wide distribution and is found in many parts of the world, particularly in warmer climates. Its adaptability to human environments has helped it spread across different continents.

Gray Wall Jumping Spider (Menemerus bivittatus), Photo by David Lowenthal
Habits And Lifestyle:
This species is diurnal, active during the day when it hunts. It relies heavily on its excellent vision for detecting and stalking prey. Menemerus bivittatus is known for its preference for sunlit walls and other vertical surfaces, which aid in thermoregulation and provide hunting grounds.
Diet And Nutrition:
Menemerus bivittatus feeds primarily on insects and other small arthropods. Its hunting strategy involves stalking or ambushing prey, using its jumping ability to capture or overcome targets effectively.
Mating Habits:
The mating behavior of Menemerus bivittatus includes visual displays and vibratory signals, characteristic of jumping spiders. Males perform courtship dances to attract females, which involve displaying their body patterns, movements, and vibrations to communicate their presence and suitability as mates.