Common Housefly Catcher

Plexippus petersi

Plexippus petersi is a species within the genus Plexippus, which is part of the family Salticidae, commonly known as jumping spiders. This family is renowned for its excellent vision, agility, and distinctive hunting behavior. Jumping spiders are active diurnal hunters that rely on their vision to stalk, chase, or ambush prey, and they use their powerful hind legs to jump, either to capture prey or evade threats. Plexippus petersi is characterized by the typical features of jumping spiders: a compact body, short legs compared to other spider families, and large forward-facing eyes that provide excellent binocular vision.






















Plexippus petersi

Other Information


Like all jumping spiders, Plexippus petersi possesses venom used to immobilize its prey. However, the venom is not considered dangerous to humans, usually resulting in no more than minor symptoms such as localized pain or swelling in the case of a bite.

A Danger to Humans?

Plexippus petersi poses minimal danger to humans. These spiders are not aggressive towards humans and typically only bite in self-defense when they have no escape route. Bites from jumping spiders are rare and not considered medically significant.

Population Status

Detailed information on the specific population size and distribution of Plexippus petersi is not widely available. However, jumping spiders tend to be adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats, which suggests they may have healthy population sizes where conditions are suitable.

Common Housefly Catcher (Plexippus petersi), Photo by David Lowenthal

Life Span:
The lifespan of jumping spiders, including Plexippus petersi, can vary but is typically around 1-2 years. This lifespan encompasses several stages, from egg to adult.

Weight and Length:
Jumping spiders are generally small to medium-sized, Male with lengths ranging 6-7 mm, Female 7-9 mm.

Plexippus petersi is native to Southeastern Asia. Its range includes Africa, China, Japan, Indonesia, New Guinea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Australia.

Habits and Lifestyle:
This species, like other jumping spiders, is diurnal and relies on its vision for hunting. They do not spin webs to catch prey but may use silk for safety lines when jumping or for constructing retreats.

Diet and Nutrition:
Plexippus petersi preys on insects and other small arthropods. Its hunting strategy involves stalking or ambushing prey, using its jumping ability to capture or overcome targets.

Mating Habits:
Mating behavior in jumping spiders involves complex visual and vibratory signals. Males often perform elaborate dances to attract females, displaying their colorful patterns, movements, and vibrations to communicate their suitability as mates.