Mycalesis mineus has a dark grayish brown upperwings with a large but indistinct ocellus in the space 2 forewings. Male butterflies have small dark brown genital markings with a layer of yellow hair in space 1b of the forewings and veins 7 of hindwings. The underside of the underwings are pale brown in color with a white post-discal band. There is a series of ringed ocellus in the submarginal area. On the forewing the ocellus is located in space 2 and 5 with the ocellus in space 2 is larger. On the hindwing there is a thin and dark indentation line that extends to veins 1b, 4 ocellus in spaces 1b, 2 and 3 parallel.
Larva: larvae of Mycalesis mineus are cylindrical, whitish in color with an initial body length of about 3.2 mm. The head is dark in color with a pair of short, round horns, and the surface of the body is covered with whitish setae dorso-lateral and lateral. In the 5th stage the caterpillar instars can turn brown to reddish brown and yellowish green in color. There is a faint slash line on the surface of the body.
Pupa: Troides helena pupa is green with small black spots adorning the margin of the head bearing, slightly angular in shape, about 15 – 16 mm long.