Male Athyma nefte has velvety black upperwings with bluish-white markings, adjoining white post-discal spots from dorsum to space 2 and 3, post-discal spots in space 4, 5 and 6. Female butterflies have two distinct forms, namely –form nephthina with broad orange-brown stripes and –form subratum which is dark brown with narrow brownish markings and slightly spread.
Larva: larvae of Athyma nefte are dark brown to black, have branching dorsolateral spines, broad pale green markings on the 1st and 3rd abdominal segments of the dorsum, pale brown marks on the 5th abdominal segment. The capsule of the head is dark brown with a cone-shaped turbecles and short spines.
Pupa: The pupa of Athyma nefte is pale brown in color with dark brown stripes, with gold patches that adorn the surface of the body. On its back there are two curved protrusions, have a slender dorsum and a large thorax that extends sideways.