Libythea myrrha has a dark brown upperwing with yellow-orange hue, a line along the median vein, two preapical double dots oblique to the ribs, a medial band extending from veins 1 to 5. The underside of the wings is brown with a pattern like the upperside but more broad, apex and dorsal edge pale gray with small dark spots. The antennae, head, chest and abdomen are dark brown, the underside is like a palpi, the chest and abdomen are grayish brown.
Larva: Libythea myrrha larvae are green with a thin yellow stripe along the back of the abdominal segment, are cylindrical in shape and covered by a short, smooth layer of setae.
Pupa: Libythea myrrha pupa is green, elongated in shape, smooth surface and hangs without the use of a silk belt.