Junonia xx has an orange brown upperwing with several brown stripes running from the costa to the dorsum. On the hindwing there is a series of post-discal ocellus which is conspicuously reddish brown in color, while the forewing’s is not too conspicuous. The underside of the wings is dull brown with a dark stripe that extends from the costa to the dorsum. There is a large white spot next to the line of the space 7 hindwings and a series of yellowish-brown post-discal ocelluses on both wings.
Larva: Junonia xx larvae have a yellowish cylindrical body shape and are covered with turbecles and long dark setae upon hatching. The capsule of the head is yellowish in color with two lateral dark patches. In the next instar phase, the body is dark brown to black, except for the posterior tip, which is yellowish in color.
Pupa: the pupa of Junonia xx is grayish brown with a series of short, dorsally-pointed projections. The pupa is about 18-19 mm long.