The Common Jay

Graphium doson


Graphium doson has black forewings with broad, bluish-green macular bands that extend from the sub-apical area of ​​the forewings to the basal areas of the hind wings. There are also a series of bluish green streaks on the forewing cells and a series of bluish green submarginal spots on the front and hind wings. The underside of the wings also has the same spot pattern, but larger and silvery green, the base color of the wings is dark brown. There are additional red and black spots on the hind wings.

Larva: Graphium doson larvae are pale yellowish when they hatch and turn dark brown a few hours later to pale green at the last instar. This caterpillar has a pair of brown lateral spines each in the three thoracic segments, the other pair of white spines in the anal segment. Its body is covered in short dorsal-lateral turboise rows with long setae.

Pupa: Pupae of Graphium doson is yellowish green in color with mesothoracic horns which are slender and pointed, in addition there are two short and conspicuous cephalic horns.

Population Size


Life Span





Wingspan from 50 – 65 mm.


























Graphium doson


Graphium doson can be found in all forest habitats at an altitude of 0-1000 m asl.


Continent : Asia

Country : Graphium doson can be found in India, Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java).

Habits and Lifestyle

Graphium doson flies fast and straight, usually active throughout the day. Female butterflies are often seen flying around flowers to eat and choose a place to lay their eggs, while males are often seen in groups looking for puddles or mineral sources. When eating, its wings are erect but keep shaking.




Tropical rain forest

Climate Zone


Diet and Nutrition

The larvae diet of Graphium doson varies, they eat the leaves of Desmos, Mitrephora, Rauwenhoffia, Uvaria, Annona, Polyalthia (Annonaceae), Cinnamomum (Lauraceae), Diploglottis (Sapindaceae), Michelia and Magnolia (Magnoliaceae). When eating, the caterpillars will rest on the upper surface leaves, usually next to the midrib.

Diet : Herbivore (larva), Nectarivore

Mating Habits

Graphium doson reproduces by laying eggs (ovipar), the eggs are laid on the young leaves of the host plant. The eggs are spherical, cream-white in color with a diameter of about 1 – 1.1 mm. When about to hatch, the color turns yellow.

Life cycle (Metamorfosis) : Graphium doson eggs take 3-4 days to hatch, the newly hatched caterpillars feed on the egg shells, their body length is about 2.2mm. The body is initially pale yellowish but gradually turns dark brown, the last segment of the abdomen is a contrasting white. One pair of brown lateral spines can be found on each of the three thoracic segments, and the other pair is white in the anal segment. The body has a row of short dorsal-lateral tubercles with long setae, the head capsule is yellowish-brown in color. After about 3-3.5 days of eating, the first instar caterpillar grows to a length of about 5.5-6 mm, on the second instar the head capsule is still yellowish brown but the color increases orange. The body remains dark brown across these instars and the sub-spiral areas of the abdominal segment are whitish. These instars last for 1.5-2 days, and their body length increases to about 8mm. The 3rd instar caterpillar is very similar to the 2nd instar caterpillar. The head capsule is orange brown at this stage. In about 3 days, the caterpillar grows to about 15 mm before molting to the 4th instar. This instar lasts about 3-4 days with a body length of about 24mm and the caterpillar is pale yellowish brown. The 5th instar caterpillar resembles the final 4th instar caterpillar, the two spines in the anus are still whitish but have a black stripe on the outer edge. In some individuals, the body immediately turns green or dull green, while in others it remains a yellowish brown until the last day of this instar before the discoloration occurs. The 5th instar lasts 4-5 days, and the body length reaches 39-44mm. Towards the end of the 5th instar, the length of the body gradually shortens and turns a pale greenish color. The caterpillar stops in an upright position, then prepares and secures itself with a silk pad and silk sash. The pupa is formed the next day, is pale yellowish green, about 27-30mm long and has mesothoracic horns that are slender and pointed, there are two short, conspicuous cephalic horns. The pupal period lasts 9 days, and the pupae turn black on the wing pads the night before eclosion. Bluish-green spots on the forewings are visible through the cocoon at this stage. Adult butterflies emerge the next morning to begin the adult phase of their life cycle.

Reproduction session : –

Incubation periods: 3 – 4 days

Independent age : at birth

Baby name : –

Baby carrying : –


Population status : Not Evaluated (NE)