Plexippus paykulli is a species of jumping spider in the family Salticidae, known for their excellent vision, agility, and distinctive hunting behavior. This species, often called the Pantropical Jumper, has adapted well to various environments and can commonly be found in human-inhabited areas. Plexippus paykulli is relatively large for a jumping spider, with males and females showing distinct coloration and size differences. They are recognized for their robust build and the ability to make significant leaps, a trait shared with other jumping spiders.
Pantropical Jumping Spider
Plexippus paykulli
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Plexippus paykulli
Other Information
Like all jumping spiders, Plexippus paykulli is venomous, using its venom to immobilize prey. However, the venom is generally not harmful to humans, typically causing mild symptoms such as localized pain or swelling at most, in the rare instances when bites occur.
A Danger to Humans?
Plexippus paykulli poses minimal danger to humans. These spiders are not aggressive towards humans and tend to flee rather than bite. Bites are rare and not considered medically significant.
Population Status
While specific population size data for Plexippus paykulli is not widely available, it is known to be widespread and common in various habitats, suggesting a robust and stable population where conditions are suitable.

Pantropical Jumping Spider (Plexippus paykulli), Photo by David Lowenthal
Life Span:
The lifespan of Plexippus paykulli, like many jumping spiders, can vary but typically spans 1-2 years, encompassing several molts from spiderling to adult.
Weight and Length:
Plexippus paykulli can reach a body length of about 10-15 mm, with males usually being slightly smaller than females. Weight is not commonly specified for spiders due to their generally lightweight nature.
Plexippus paykulli is described as pantropical and has been found in many parts of the world, including Asia, Africa, parts of the Americas, and the Mediterranean. Its adaptability to both natural and urban environments has contributed to its wide distribution.
Habits and Lifestyle:
This species is diurnal, actively hunting during the day. They do not spin webs to catch prey but rather rely on their vision and speed to stalk and pounce on insects. Plexippus paykulli can often be found on walls, plants, and the ground in search of food.
Diet and Nutrition:
The diet of Plexippus paykulli consists mainly of insects and other small arthropods. Their hunting strategy involves actively pursuing prey, using their jumping ability to overcome it.
Mating Habits:
Mating behavior in jumping spiders involves complex visual displays, where males perform dances and exhibit their colorful patterns to attract females. The success of these courtship rituals is crucial for mating.