Jumping Spiders

Hyllus diardi

Hyllus diardi is a species within the genus Hyllus, part of the family Salticidae, commonly known as jumping spiders. This species is among the larger jumping spiders, notable for its robust build and impressive jumping ability, which it uses both for hunting and avoiding predators. Hyllus diardi is characterized by a strong, muscular build, with females often being larger than males. Like other jumping spiders, it has excellent vision, facilitated by large anterior median eyes, which it uses to detect movement and detail from a distance.






















Hyllus diardi

Other Information


As with all jumping spiders, Hyllus diardi is venomous, using its venom to immobilize prey. However, the venom is not considered dangerous to humans, typically causing no more than minor symptoms such as localized pain or swelling if a bite occurs.

A Danger to Humans?

Hyllus diardi poses minimal danger to humans. These spiders are not aggressive towards humans and tend to flee rather than bite. Bites are rare and not considered medically significant.

Population Status

Specific data on the population size of Hyllus diardi is not widely available. However, jumping spiders tend to adapt well to a variety of environments, suggesting potentially stable populations where conditions are favorable.

Jumping Spiders (Hyllus diardi), Photo by David Lowenthal

Life Span:
The lifespan of jumping spiders, including Hyllus diardi, can vary but generally spans about 1-2 years, encompassing several stages from egg to adult.

Weight and Length:
Hyllus diardi is one of the larger species of jumping spiders, with body lengths reaching up to about 1.2 cm for females, and slightly less for males. Specific weight data is rarely noted due to their small size.

Hyllus diardi is found in Southeast Asia, including countries like Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. Its habitat ranges from forests to shrublands and sometimes human-inhabited areas where it can find ample prey.

Jumping Spiders (Hyllus diardi), Photo by David Lowenthal

Habits and Lifestyle:
This species is diurnal, actively hunting during the day. It does not spin webs to catch prey but rather uses its jumping ability to ambush or chase down insects. The spider uses silk for safety lines when jumping and for creating shelters or egg sacs.

Diet and Nutrition:
The diet of Hyllus diardi consists primarily of small to medium-sized insects. They rely on their vision to spot prey and their agility to capture it, often leaping several times their body length to do so.

Mating Habits:
Mating behavior in Hyllus diardi involves complex visual displays, where males perform dances and exhibit their body to attract females. The success of these courtship rituals is crucial for mating.