Danaus chrysippus has a black body with white spots, the upper abdomen is yellowish to whitish yellow. The wings are brownish yellow, the upper side is lighter than the lower side. The forewings have a wide black border with a series of white spots. The male Danaus chrysippus is smaller and lighter in color than the female. There is also an additional marking on the hind wing to distinguish it.
Larva: Danaus chrysippus larvae are cylindrical, yellowish in color with black and white transverse bands. On each segment of the body there are two yellow spots. Its head is shiny, its feet are black with white bands on the underside, it has long, black, tentacle-like protrusions in segments 3, 6 and 12 of its body.
Pupa: Danaus chrysippus pupae are pale green in color with black and gold spots. Smooth surface.