Pantoporia hordonia has dark brown to black forewings with orange stripes. On the forewing there is a broad orange line with two small indentations, an orange submarginal line with a thin gray line on the inside and post-discal spots in spaces 2 and 3. The hindwing has a subbasal line that crosses the base of the cell and the basal line that crosses costa, the back of the thorax has a small orange band parallel to the forewing cell lines. The underside of the wings is pale brown to dark brown like marbles, has a pale orange stripe corresponding to the top, generally larger.
Larva: The larvae of Pantoporia hordonia when hatching have a cylindrical body, pale green in color, the head capsule is pale brown and the body is covered with small turbecles and short setae. In the 2nd instar the caterpillar is pale brownish with a green skin tone, the head is pale brown and the body surface and head are covered with whitish turbecles with short setae. The next stage, the Pantoporia hordonia caterpillar can grow in two color forms, a green form with a pale green body and head and a brown shape with a brown body and head.
Pupa: Pantoporia hordonia pupae may be greenish or brownish depending on the color of the caterpillar at the last instar. The thorax and anterior of the abdomen are wide, the wing cases are extended to the sides, the dorsum of the chest is raised and angled. There are silvery spots adorning the dorsum mesothorax, metathorax and the first abdominal segment. The pupal length is about 10 – 13 mm.