Male Euploea mulciber has bright blue upperwings with white spots spreading in the distal area of the forewings, while female butterflies have blue wings with white spots embedded in the distal area and some white spots and stripes in the basal area of the forewing. The hindwings of this species are brown, in females there are additional white stripes resembling the species Ideopsis. The underside of the wings is brown with white lines or spots like the upper side.
Larva: larvae of Euploea mulciber when they hatch have a yellowish body, black legs and a large black head capsule. In the next instar phase, the caterpillars turn yellow with dark brown transverse rings interspersed with white lines in each segment of the body. The body is covered with horns on 4 segments in the dorsum area, 2 small black spots on the dorsum prothorax and one large spot on the posterior end of the body.
Pupa: Euploea mulciber pupae are initially yellowish brown, but the next day they become shiny silver, round in shape with a few small spots on the dorsum. The length of the pupa is about 19-21 mm.